
Some people are like slinkys....they serve no apparent purpose, but bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Children and Grandparents

I never had grandparents in my youth. Apparently, both sets passed away when my parents were young. I always wondered what it was like to have a grandmother or a grandfather to do things with.

My children have a full set of grandparents on their daddy's side and a grandmother on my side. Unfortunately, since neither of talks to our mothers much, they might as well be non-existent. I don't understand how any of them can care so little about having grandchildren that they never see or talk to.

On the rare occasion that Hottie Hubby talks to his parents, they never ask to speak to the kids. They don't ever ask to come visit or ask for the kids to go there to visit them.

Mostly his mother just calls to bitch at her son for not calling enough and to express her disappointment that he ended up with me. See, this lady is independently well-off and always wanted him to end up with a snooty rich-bitch. Much to her chagrin, he ended up with a "rough around the edges" girl from the wrong side of the tracks.

I've always been one to set my issues aside for the kids. I've never talked negatively about any of our family in front of them. As tough as I know it will be if it ever happens, I've told Hottie Hubby that I will bite my tongue around his mother if the situation ever calls for her to be around us. this rate, I don't see that happening unless there's a death in the family. Hopefully, it won't be at her own.


  1. Oh, I love this. And you're doing the best thing you can for them, I think. Grandparents are wonderful... if they're wonderful people. If they're not? Cut 'em out.

  2. Agreed. Thanks for following up. I love TMI Thursdays by the way.
